SHORT DESCRIPTION SDGame is an initiative promoted by gisAction to bring to everyone’s attention the theme of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030 proposed by the United Nations and signed by all Member States. The game is structured in 6 questions per Objective, divided into 5 multiple-choice questions and a final …
AWorld APP
SHORT DESCRIPTION AWorld, an Italian start-up based in Turin and New York, has launched an App of the same name (available for iOS and Android), which offers engaging content on sustainability issues and tools to measure and incentivise people to take action to safeguard the planet. TARGET Business Community LICENCE Public Domain LANGUAGE English/Italian App
Zero emissioni , anche le Pmi devono fare la loro parte (e conviene)
SHORT DESCRIPTION In front of the climate crisis, SMEs – responsible for 64% of Europe’s CO 2 emissions – play a crucial role in achieving net-zero. Knowing their emissions in order to be able to reduce them is still a voluntary operation that can allow them to cut production costs, improve their image and identify …
Zero emissioni , anche le Pmi devono fare la loro parte (e conviene) Read More »
Misurare l’impatto climatico aziendale: come ottenere dati strutturati e affidabili
SHORT DESCRIPTION The main objective of the research is to propose an analysis of the main criticalities that limit the use of ICT by SMEs and to highlight possible strategies and interventions to support digital innovation processes. TARGET Start-ups/Business Community LICENCE Public Domain LANGUAGE Italian
Trasformazione Digitale e sviluppo PMI
SHORT DESCRIPTION The main objective of the research is to propose an analysis of the main criticalities that limit the use of ICT by SMEs and to highlight possible strategies and interventions to support digital innovation processes. TARGET Start-ups/Business Community LICENCE Public Domain LANGUAGE Italian
The digitisation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Italy
SHORT DESCRIPTION This study primarily focused on financing models for the digitalisation of SMEs. However, the analysis and research conducted revealed that there are also key issues of awareness of digitalisation benefits, technical knowledge for digitalisation, and other factors that create barriers to digitalisation of SMEs in Italy. TARGET Business Community LICENCE Public Domain LANGUAGE …
The digitisation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Italy Read More »